Rolleston Login

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We have implemented several changes this year, in the hope of making the process of ordering Rolleston College photos much easier for you. Our aim is to make this as simple as we can, working with the parameters at hand.

A key change is being able to search for your child using their unique school ID, which is also your PASSWORD above. (The User ID will be as supplied in comms from the school).

The password / student ID is already being used with your child's school account, ID card, school app, exam enrolment etc. Please enter each unique ID separately for each child if you have several at school. You can combine orders in one cart. Where sibling photographs have been elected, these will be allocated against one of the unique ID's only.

Main class / Ako groups, cultural and summer teams will all be photographed later in the year. These will be added to this gallery later on, using the same details to access. You may wish to wait until later in the year if wanting to purchase package combinations.

It may pay to note that all sibling, & all individual photographs below year 12, have been elective. Not being compulsory, not all students will feature. A number of students, for various reasons, did not present as expected for photos. The school has
tried really hard to make sure all requests for photos happened. Despite repeated notifications, announcements, reminders, & general canjoling of students, this was not always successful. Teens!

In lieu of increasing print prices, given recent inflationary changes to processing and printing, a small handling fee is charged on all orders. This will appear in your billing summary as a $1+gst shipping item.

The deadline for delivery back to school is midnight Sunday 9th June.
After which, you can still order, though print pricing will increase and postage will be added.

We do ask that you check your shopping cart carefully. As all photos go to print in real time, once payment is confirmed, orders are not able to be changed. You are welcome to park your order, and enquire should you have any queries.

Names have all been checked and double proofed on team / group photos. In the unlikely event you may note an error, please do not proceed with you order. Do contact us straight away, and we will make any necessary correction.

Watermarks are online only, and won't appear in print. Digital file purchasing is for individual & sibling photos only (not classes, teams or groups sorry).

Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your photos, we will refund your payment.  Guaranteed.


Prices are inclusive of GST, and are subject to change.

Copyright of all images remains with the Photoshots Ltd.  All rights are reserved.

'Photoshots', 'Tony Stewart' & 'Your Present for the Future' are all registered trademarks,

and remain the original & exclusive trading names / phrases for related photographic services in NZ.

Photoshots is proud to use NZIPP / AIPA Standard Terms and Conditions. These can be viewed at:


Photoshots, Rolleston / Christchurch, New Zealand.
